Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Propaganda 4 Corner Reflection

“The term propaganda always refers to a negative message”

Before exploring the actually statement in depth it is essential to understand the definition of propaganda. In Latin propaganda  meant “things to be propagated and which ought to be spread” and a general definition of propaganda is a specific type of message that is presented in order to directly influence opinions or behaviors of people rather than providing an objective statement or information.  The term itself has been through quite a lot of history, because in original state, propaganda was a neutral reference and used in a more positive connotation in order to promote more favorable and affirmative influence on the audience such as creating propaganda on public health or encouraging people to vote or encouraging people to report crime and like the article given to us in class about the British and Russia, we see how they used propaganda in order to promote peace rather than encourage war.
Hence, I disagree with the statement above but I do believe that as time passed on, many people took advantage of the influence propaganda can make on people and started using  it to promote more negative concepts and therefore it acquired a more negative connotation by association to its manipulative nature. Now in the world of media, propaganda is seen as a political and bias use of techniques in order to promote a certain set of beliefs and ideas. Such as when watching the documentary in class of Americans depiction of the Iraq war, one sees how different types of propaganda had been used to implement their own ideologies and influence the audiences’ perception of the situation.
As well as when examining the article of Jessica Lynch, the US perception of the war was presented in a more positive light by the means of that propaganda used of her rescue.
So overall I disagree with the statement because I don’t believe that it has to be referring to a negative message but nowadays I do believe that people use it to mislead and deceive people through promoting negative message in order to convince them or influence their perception of a certain situation. 


  1. I completely agree with you! Its true that the people misused propaganda over the years and that the original thought or idea may not be negative. But then again how do you differ a negative message from a positive one?

  2. I completely agree with you! Its true that the people misused propaganda over the years and that the original thought or idea may not be negative. But then again how do you differ a negative message from a positive one?

  3. I like the new perspective you've brought to this and I do agree with you to some extent. In context of the 21st century, we've given propaganda a negative connotation. However, it comes back to the aim of propaganda which is to influence or enforce a certain ideology. In this sense, it becomes almost like deception. Thus, you can connect it back to wether deception is acceptable.

  4. I think you chose a very interesting prompt and addressed in a new way that allows us to think about it differently. Going back to the history and initial aim of things is always a good way to gain a deeper understanding of things, and you did that very well. Its fascinating to see how propaganda was initially created in order to enhance peoples lives however after its success it became a tool for shaping opinion perhaps in a more negative light. Do you think positive propaganda was as effective?
