Sunday, August 30, 2015


August 2nd

This holiday we had decided to travel to the United States of America. Although I’ve been there before the last time I visited was 8 years ago. This time I went road tripping around the states. When I used to think of the states I thought mainly of food, American football, politics, food, drinking, and food. Yet when I went around different states I realized how they were both culturally and socially so different from each other. They all had their different arts and culture, different ways of communicating with people and never had I imagined America had been so was by far the greenest place I had visited. The nature there was amazing and hadn’t been altered. So my second destination in this trip was Omaha, Nebraska, a state located in the Midwestern States. It consisted mainly of suburbs and mainly Caucasian people who would always do a double look at me whenever I went anywhere as if they hadn’t seen a colored person before which I slowly realized they probably didn’t seeing as their city consisted 99.5% of Caucasian people but they were still nice. Nevertheless Omaha was very beautiful nature wise, it had greens everywhere, hills you wouldn’t imagine, it was beautiful, the land there was hill like so it went up and down a lot so you would have houses in all shapes and sizes standing either really high or low. It was really interesting, unlike Germany and England where they would alter the land and make it flat to keep everything at one level, America actually cared about its nature and didn’t alter anything making it more beautiful. My third destination was the one and only New York, the city that never sleeps. I stayed in a penthouse right in the middle of Times Square where I could se everything. New York was hyper 24/7, lights on all the time and very energetic. The people were so mixed; you could probably find someone from each race, it was very multicultural and busy. It didn’t have to much green land but the skyscrapers and downtown were amazing, so different from where I had been before. This is where I am now and will continue around America and see how different they are,

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