Tuesday, November 17, 2015

English Paper 1

Paper One- Commentary Structure 

English Paper 1
1st Paragraph: Introduction
  •          Give a broad overviews/ background
  • -          Establish both the text that will be examined
  • -          Touch on how/what they essay will focus on+ from which stance

2nd Paragraph: Audience and Purpose
  •      Text 1: audience and purpose
  •    Text 2: audience and purpose e.g. reveal the plights of the islanders and evoke a sense of                        sympathy for the seeming colonialism occurring in the area
  •     Links between both and how the audience that is targeted is the same/similar but the purpose     in the message they’re conveying differs between the two texts
  •    Also make address the time periods that each text was produced in and the effect it has on the   purpose and audience – post colonial vs colonial perspective

3rd Paragraph: Content and Theme
  • -          Text 1: main message it tries to convey and if takes on certain stances – tries to sell their audience an exotic place for vacation home
  • -          Text 2: main message and what they’re trying to get across with the whole idea of squatters vs. developers and their stance on swaying the audience towards a more liberal viewpoint. Also Title referring to squatters take on developers already sets the theme of a competition between the two groups of people, one pitted against the other

4th Paragraph: Tone and mood
  • -          Text 1: uses target audience as a clear way to establish tone and because they’re trying to sell an idea or vacation home and as well as through the visuals it sets a happy and enthusiastic mood in order to convince their audience to purchase these vacations. Tone also mainly focuses specifically and narrowly to their target audience- closer sense of communication
  • -          Text 2: regards to the “squatters” we see a tone of indignancy at the situation we have forced them to. This results in a mood of pity. Annoyance at their money grubbing actions that have displaced and harmed so many less fortunate. Also with a mood of rage from the audience.

5th Paragraph: Style and structure + (Literary devices/ features)
  • -          Text 1: the ways the text has been structured- visuals are the main focus and attention of text in order to relate in a more direct way with their audience. Certain diction used and the main reference to “The Great White Fleet” -> use of ethos
          Emphasis made using certain fonts and colors- more appealing to the audience
          Techniques used such as empty claim, ethos, glittering generalities etc
  • -          Text 2: unlike the first one uses imagery in a verbal manner also due to the fact that it’s a news article in the business section also therefore the style and structure follow one of a news article. It uses Testimonial, Plain Folk, Card Stacking, Source manipulation, and Glittering Generalities to manipulate the viewpoint of the reader
          Lit devices included- Imagery, weighted diction, Alliteration, hyperbole

6th Paragraph: Conclusion
  • -          Justify the introduction
  • -          Establish how the task was examined
  • -          Restate the thesis made at the beginning


                           This paper 1 essay will focus on two different texts that are grounded on a similar basis. The first text is a very visual ad published in 1922 hence centers itself through a colonial lens. It is trying to sell their audience an ideal and tropical holiday. Unlike the first text, the second text draws away from pictorial elements and is rather portrayed through a news article published in the business section of the Miami Herald in 2007. These two different text types already portray major differences as the news article develops a more serious tone than the pictorial and encouraging ad. This is also seen through the paramount importance of the time period of each text which creates a heavy influence on the interpretations and situations during these times, consequently leading to a post-colonial and colonial viewpoint from the different texts. This paper/essay will concentrate on comparing and contrasting both these texts through the elements they portray, specifically the audience which is not only the same but it also grounds the underlying foundation of both these texts which then develop the content, tone&mood and style in which each portray their piece according to their audience and what message they’re trying to bring across to them. Both texts have the same audience but contrasting purposes in order to persuade their point of view to their audience.


  1. The commentary structure is really good and thorough and the organization of the introduction is also well done. You did a good job in placing both the texts in context and specifically speaking about the time period they were both published in. It would be a good idea to put the names of the specific texts. As for the thesis, I was thinking maybe incorporate the last line and the second to last line in order to have it one big flowing sentence? The ideas are all there and you have established the how and the why but it can be awkward to read when its broken down into two sentences. But disregarding that, the introduction is well written!

  2. This was a very well written introduction, Ghadeer! You completed all the criteria of establishing both texts with an awareness of context of the time period, you established the essential difference between the texts which is their purpose, and compared each separate ACTS element.

  3. Overall, I think you have the basics down, but its not very effective in its delivery. First of all, you should identify the texts immediately. There are instances where you go longer than needed. Those parts should be included in your body rather than the introduction. Perhaps, instead of saying that you will explore the ACTS of the texts, generalize what each text uses in terms of ACTS and the 'so what' in one sentence. You have a good grasp of the analysis from your body points, but that needs to be more effectively portrayed in your introduction.

  4. really good response and you introduction is well written and detailed. I like how you briefly introduced all the points you wanted to talk about later on. You touched on everything, but maybe put mre emphasis on the why. Wy are they trying to persuade their point of view to the the audience? otherwise great resonse
