Saturday, November 7, 2015


The article that has been chosen is one published by Fox News clearly showing a negative image of Islam and portraying them as a threat and uses false statics to prove its point, especially coming from a news outlet that considers itself bias towards the Republicans. This will all be examined through Bill Maher who has a strong perspective on Islam and this article shows support towards his beliefs.
This pastiche will hence alter the perspective and rather show Islam in a more/too positive light and bias to Islam because it wont show their flaws and it'll use correct statistics to prove that people shouldn't be generalizing a whole religion and that the Western media plays a big part to the reason there are such problems with Islam and showing negative image of western culture,


William "Bill" Maher is an American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, media critic, and television host. As a TV host, he is known for the political show Real Time with Bill Maher(2003–present). Maher previously hosted a similar show called Politically Incorrect

The article that will be examined is by Fox News:

Important notes from article:

  •  Published by Fox News- a very known American news outlet that is known for its bias and promotion of the Republican Party.

  • Discusses the young school boy Ahmed, who produced a homemade clock and brought it into school and justifies the action of him being arrested as normal because it’s natural to be more scared of a Muslim holding a case and how thinking like that only leads you to be called an “Islamophobe” or a “racist”

  • “According to Pew, a majority of Muslims in several countries consider stoning a woman to death a legitimate punishment for adultery.”

  • “Muslims surveyed in 24 of 37 countries where the question was asked believe abortion to be morally wrong.”

  • “Three quarters or more in 33 of the 36 countries where the question was asked believe homosexuality to be morally wrong.”


Islam- A misunderstood perspective of a peaceful religion influenced by the westerns and their media 

Islam, one of the world’s youngest religions putting it at about 1400 years of age has had a lot of criticism during the last couple of years, specifically after the tragic incident of 9/11. Looking at tragic events, recently an intelligent and eager 14 year old with high ambition produced his own homemade clock to take into school to present to his teacher who immediately felt threatened by his actions and called the police on him. Quick background check… the young boy was named Ahmed Mohamed, he was a dark skinned boy, Sudanese (Arab) and most importantly, Muslim. The teacher did not bother to communicate with the boy before having him arrested and quickly rushed to the assumption that he was a “threat” to the school.

When looking at the portrayal of Islam in Western media, there are so many misconceptions on their behavior and their Islamic actions. After the slaughtering and beheading in Saudi, there have been a lot of talk about the stance of whether Islam is actually a religion of peace or rather a religion that promotes violence. When talking about the stoning of woman only 14 out of 50 major Muslim countries still follow this old fashioned action but that doesn't mean it is supported. The majority of Muslims are against these actions even within these 14 countries and have started organisations and protests to stop these inhumane actions. Not all Muslims promote such actions!

When looking at abortion and homosexuality, many people manage to make it seem as though Muslim takes an evil uptake to these issues when in fact the majority of anti-homosexual protests occur by Christians and the western culture because like the majority of religions in the world, Islam is not the only one that disagrees with homosexuality and abortion! Also looking at a topic that was of great talk was genital mutilation, again, western media portrayed it as a Muslim ritual when in fact it has nothing to do with Islam, it is a cultural problem that does not reflect on the entire population of Islam or any part of it.

When referring to ISIS or other attacks thought to have occurred by Muslims, the Western media has the tendency to generalize a religion of 1.57 BILLION PEOPLE as terrorists or rather correlate Islam to a religion of violence and threat yet when a white man shoots children in a school or people in a cinema or three Muslims at a parking lot, this clearly doesn't reflect the Christian or the white culture but rather is seen as a "psychological illness"
As well as that, a report released by the FBI showed that out of all the terrorists attacks that have occurred in America, 6% only were perpetrated by Islamic Extremists and hence over 90% of terrorist attacks were actually carried out by non-Muslims ....Talk about threat.


  1. That is a strong title! I like that because I personally believe that the western media does have a strong influence on how Islam is portrayed within society. Your pastiche clearly shows a bias by using techniques such as bias by headline, word choice and tone, statistics, source control and bias through selection and omission. Your strong use of words form a clear bias for the article because through mocking the western media, you effectively point out how biased they actually are which is eye opening (kinda).

    The addition of another religious view, one of Christianity, helps support your claim that Islam is a peaceful religion, holding its own values like every religion should unlike how the western media portrays it using terrorists and extremists. The statistic that 90% of terrorist attacks is carried out by non- Muslims makes the reader question who the actual threat is as it looks much larger than 6%.

    GREAT JOB ;)

  2. Ghadeer-- I really enjoyed reading your rewrite. I'm very passionate about supporting the fair representation of Muslims in the American media. I found that, in particular, your use of statistics in the rewrite was compelling. As a suggestion, maybe you could explain the contrast between the depiction of Christianity and Islam in the media.
